
Advanced Regression Techniques to Forecast Bushfires

Regression models to predict the burned area in fires. Use of advance techniques such as cooks distance to identify i...

Big data Processing, Analysis and Visualisation

Use of multiple text processing techniques in pyspark environment to analyse books and crime data from South Australia.

Bike Sharing Pattern Prediction with Neural Networks

A Neural Network developed from scratch to predict bike sharing patterns.

Computer Vision technique to Identify Wildlife

A Convolutional Neural Network developed from scratch to identify wild animals.

A Convolutional Neural Network to Identify Dog Breeds

Design and train a convolutional neural network to analyze images of dogs and correctly identify their breeds.

Corporate Credit Rating Forecasting

A project for financial risk classification of more than 500 companies. We forecast the ratings given by agencies suc...

Data Integration and Reshaping

Reshape and integration of multiple datasets. Analysis of real estate data.

Extensive Exploratory Data Analysis

An extensive exploratory data analysis about Immigration in Australia, crimes in South Australia and cryptocurrency p...

Artificial Face Genearation with GAN's

Neural networks were generated and put to compete in order to generate new, realistic faces.

LSTM Deployment using AWS SageMaker

Built a model, deployed it, and created a gateway for accessing it from a website. Made use of PyTorch for a sentimen...

Forecasting Weather with ML in Pyskpark

Make use of Pyspark MLlib to visualize and predict the possibility of rainfall in Australia.

Script Generator with Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM)

An RNN built on PyTorch to process text. You can use it to generate new episodes of your favourite TV show, based on ...

Text Pre-Processing

This project focus on the extraction of data from nonstructured format and conversion into a proper format suitable f...